Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Write of Freedom (25 minute free write)

What could I write about that I am passionate about? The ALS thing that people mentioned? I honestly don't know much about it since I don't really go on social media at all. Let's see, I could write about people are people too... nah that is just kind of condescending. hmm... I'm not really passionate about any relevant issues right now. That is really terrible. I could write about video game addictions... that actually might be a pretty good idea. Let's expand on that. I used to be incredibly addicted, and most of my good friends still are to some point. Wait, I feel like I could actually write about this. This is pretty relevant. This issue is probably in the beginning stages, but everyone can connect with it. I also have very personal experience from both sides of the issue. There have been points of my life where I spent upwards of 70 hours a week playing video games... Ok, what could I talk about. I think the best way to do this would be to relate my personal story, and do it in a kind of raise awareness/message of hope/i been there so I know kind of way. Yeah, talk about how I slowly allowed them to take control of my life. How it really isn't the video games themselves that are bad (for the most part. There are definitely terrible games out there) it is the time that they are filling up that could be spent doing something productive. I used to see nothing wrong with them in moderation, but now that I am on the other side of it I realize that I would be hard pressed to find an activity that is less productive than most games. Yeah, I think that this could go somewhere. I could also talk about how real the addiction is. It is VERY possible to become addicted to them. The worst part about them is how it trains your mind to only want instant gratification. It wires you to expect rewards automatically for achievements. This is what makes transitioning away from it so hard. Because in real life to see any meaningful change you have to work at things for weeks, months, years, sometimes even decades before you really start to reap the rewards. But one thing that I have learned is that the rewards are a million times more rewarding and fulfilling. I feel a huge sense of accomplishment from finally turning the lights off by throwing a playing card. It's a tiny thing, but I worked pretty hard for it. It probably took a grand total of 10 hours or so over the course of a couple of months. Yeah... this is good. I'm already at the end of my 25 minutes... holy crap! How did that go by so fast? Well, I will have to do some more brainstorming, and try to organize these thoughts a little bit, but I think i'm on the right track. If anyone reads this. I am truly sorry for the mental trauma I have just put you through.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting freewrite! I'm curious to see how you'll approach the subject of video game addictions. What might you be arguing with this paper? How might we promote change? Is change available to be made?
