Tuesday, September 9, 2014

A little about little old me

My name is Adam Michael Leavitt, and I was born and raised in Orem, UT. That is about 5 minutes up the hill from Provo so, unfortunately, i'm not very exotic. This is my 3rd year at BYU, but I still have no idea what I'm majoring in. OK! Now that all of the standard questions are out of the way, let me share some interesting things about myself.

My interests: Up until recently I spent a large majority of my free time playing video games (mostly League of Legends if you care), but I actually had a realization, a little while ago, that they were a complete waste of my life, and have since moved on to MUCH more interesting things ;). Now I fill my time by reading a ton, mostly fantasy but some nonfiction has started sneaking in, playing dodgeball, practicing my card throwing, trying to learn the art of lockpicking, and practicing rolling a quarter on my fingers (i'm pretty terrible at it). I love ultimate frisbee, trampoline dodgeball, laser tag, baseball, hiking, and even the occasional bout of beating people up with foam weapons (it's exactly as nerdy as it sounds, but WAY cooler :D).

I work from home, and do workflow consulting and implementations for large businesses. I spend most of my time at work singing to myself and beating my face against my keyboard as I try to help people run their business's better. I'm pretty excited for this class because I love hearing about other people's view points on issues they're passionate about. It is really interesting to try to see things from their point of view, and watch the gears turn in their head when someone points out something they haven't considered. It will also be a great place to learn better writing and grammar skills (because if you haven't noticed yet mine aren't very spectacular). Basically it should be a lot of fun.

I would now like to take this last line to personally thank anyone who read this post all the way to it's conclusion. I would also like to invite you to mercilessly make fun of me for things I said in this post next time you see me in class. I would love the chance to meet you.


  1. OH YEAH!! I forgot something. I discovered something really cool about my full name the other day. Adam Michael Leavitt - The first letter of each name is the same as the last letter of the one before it so my name just flows right off of your tongue. It's kind of awesome and I love it! You know that you are jealous.

  2. Very interesting. I imagine that getting into reading has been a wonderful experience. I never was one to play video games (I tend to run away from the bad guys) so books were ALWAYS my go-to. I found them to be far more interesting, anyway.
